October 18, 2024, 12:03 pm | Read time: 3 minutes
More and more women in Germany are deciding to postpone their desire to have children – especially those between the ages of 30 and 34. STYLEBOOK summarizes why many women decide to have a child late or not at all and what effects the social structure could have.
Reconciling work and family life is still a major problem for many women. A significant proportion of working parents feel that childcare provision in Germany is inadequate. This is shown by the representative “HDI Berufe-Studie 2024“. Almost half of parents with children under the age of 18 (49%) state that the available childcare services are not sufficient to support their professional ambitions. In addition, 43 percent of working parents perceive poorer promotion opportunities in their companies once they have children. These unfavorable conditions lead many women to prioritize their careers and put their desire to have children on hold.
Impact on the labor market causes women to postpone having children
The lack of flexible childcare options not only has personal consequences for the women affected but also has an impact on the labor market. Almost one in five working women (20 percent) have even postponed their desire to have children altogether due to insufficient childcare options. Among 30 to 34-year-olds, this proportion is even higher at 35%. This means that more and more qualified women are not having children in the decisive phase of their careers. This could also have a long-term impact on demographic trends and the shortage of skilled workers.
Financial worries and career fears cited as the main reasons
The findings from the STYLEBOOK Beauty Impact Report 2023 also highlight the financial and career-related concerns that prevent many women from starting a family. Almost a quarter (24 percent) of childless women cite financial insecurity as the main reason for not having children. In addition, 45 percent of women fear that children could have a negative impact on their career development. These fears are not unfounded, as many mothers experience career stagnation after the birth of their children. This is often exacerbated by switching to part-time jobs.
Work-life balance? A constant challenge for women in Germany
Concern about an unbalanced work-life balance is a key issue for many women. More than half (57%) of women state that they are afraid of not being able to maintain a good work-life balance. These fears contribute to the fact that the desire to have children is often postponed. This is done in the hope of finding a better balance at a later date. But even then, the challenge remains, as many employers still do not offer enough flexible working models.
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What employers and politicians can do
Comprehensive measures are needed to help women achieve both a career and a family. Employers could make a major contribution by offering company childcare facilities and flexible working hours. At the same time, the federal, state, and local governments need to significantly expand the childcare infrastructure and thus pave the way for a better work-life balance. This is the only way to encourage women to stop postponing their desire to have children and to pursue their career goals at the same time. Postponing the desire to have children is a social and economic challenge.
Only targeted measures can prevent more and more women from being faced with difficult decisions: Children or careers?