October 18, 2024, 10:09 am | Read time: 4 minutes
She focuses on curves, cakes, and childcare: the so-called tradwife lives as a traditional female role model. Having started in the USA, the “traditional wives” movement is slowly making itself at home in Germany. Under the hashtag #tradwifelife, you can find colorful material about housewives who want to find happiness in the anti-emancipatory struggle. STYLEBOOK understands why, according to a study, this is a difficult undertaking.
Spending the whole day at home, doing a bit of cleaning, cooking, and laundry – doesn’t sound so bad. Thanks to feminist movements, we now know that “that little bit of housework” doesn’t do itself, however, but should be described as care work. And this is at least as strenuous as the majority of paid work. A study published this year by York University and the University of Isfahan shows that the “tradwife lifestyle” is predominantly more stressful than satisfying.
This is what it means to be a tradwife
There is a counter-movement to almost every movement. The emancipatory struggle to free oneself from housework – or at least divide it 50/50 between the spouses – has #tradwifelife as a counterpart. Under this hashtag, you’ll find life stories of women who have chosen to devote their lives to the well-being of their husbands and, in some instances, their children. Care work, also referred to as caregiving or nursing work, is not criticized but celebrated.
In addition, there is an aesthetic image reminiscent of the 1950s. Influencers such as Estee Williams attach great importance to a particularly feminine wardrobe and styling. Williams’ feed consists of cooking recipes, flowery interior design and tips on how women can best land a “provider”. The 26-year-old does not have children, and she believes that having children is not a necessary component of the #tradwifelife.
Household and husband as a life project
Jasmine Dinis, on the other hand, is an Australian tradwife and has children. She and her daughter made international headlines at the end of last year. Dinis commented on the future of her young daughter, for whom she hopes to lead a quiet life. Quiet means not attending university, being a “biblical woman” – and serving her husband and future children.
Being responsible for a house, garden, and the needs of all its inhabitants sounds anything but quiet. The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMSFJ) lists these activities as unpaid care work. According to the federal government’s second gender equality report, women are, on average, 44.3 percent more likely to carry out this work than men. The consequence of the gender care gap is less time for gainful employment, leading to economic disadvantages and, consequently, difficulties in achieving financial independence or affording a potential divorce.
Study shows that inequality makes people unhappy
The scientific study entitled “Life Satisfaction and the Roles of Work, Family, and Social Factors in a Social Production Function Framework” shows that overworked people are unhappier people. This sheds particular light on housewives: If they felt the tasks were unfairly distributed and they were overburdened, it negatively impacted their life satisfaction.
Women who were able to divide up household tasks were significantly happier. If everyday tasks such as cleaning, cooking, and shopping are delegated fairly, there is more time to pursue individual interests. The ability to focus on such activities brings joy. And if the woman is happy, this has an effect on the whole family, as the study also explains.
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The lost individuality of the “tradwife”
Now, you could counter: The “tradwives” Estee Williams and Jasmine Dinis do not present a particularly sad picture on their social media accounts. On the contrary! In their pictures and videos, the sun shines brightly, their smiles are wide, and life appears to be an endless dance. However, when looking at the perfect profiles, you have to ask yourself what actually makes up the personality of these adult women.
Without devaluing hobbies such as cooking and interior design, it is noticeable that the well-being of others always comes first. As the study shows, a happy mother who can pursue her own interests is also a great mom. Apart from that, an unforeseen event can always occur in a marriage that requires a divorce. One example of this is domestic violence. In such a case, a financial cushion is particularly important in order to be able to stand on your own two feet in the event of a separation.
Are you experiencing domestic violence? Then you can call the nationwide help hotline “Violence against women” on 116 016. This hotline offers free, round-the-clock advice every day of the year, guiding you on the next steps to take.